Emax Tinyhawk II Freestyle 2.5 Inch FPV Racing Drone BNF Frsky D8 F4 FC 5A ESC 1103 Motor Runcam Nano 2 Camera 200mW VTX

10 Reviews
USD 181.99
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  • weight: 485 g

Emax Tinyhawk II Freestyle 2.5 Inch FPV Racing Drone BNF Frsky D8 F4 FC 5A ESC 1103 Motor Runcam Nano 2 Camera 200mW VTX


Brand name: Emax

Item name: Tinyhawk II Freestyle FPV Racing Drone

Diagonal Wheelbase (Without Paddles): 115mm

Max size of the aircraft (without antenna, cable tie): 143*137*23mm

Aircraft Weight (without battery,propeller): 49.1g

Motor: TH1103-7000KV

Propeller: Avan Rush 2.5 inch Propeller

Main Flight Controller: F4(MATEKF411RX firmware) 4 IN 1 5A ESC

Receiver: EMAX Tiny receiver(Compatible with Frsky remote control D8 mode)

Camera: RunCam Nano 2 Camera

VTX Transmitter: 0-25-100-200mW Adjustable frequency 37CH. Support SmartAudio. Ham radio license required for use in North America.

Battery: 1 Cell 450 mAh HV lipo battery

For instructions, please click here


Package Included:

1 x Tinyhawk II Freestyle 2.5 Inch FPV Racing Drone

2 x Emax 1s HV 450 mAh Battery

1 x Charger

1 x Propeller Set (4x CW, 4x CCW)

1 x Screw Pack

1 x User Manual Website Card

Antenna Mount & Battery Box for Insta360 GO Cam, Click Here

Emax Tinyhawk II Freestyle 2.5 Inch FPV Racing Drone BNF Frsky D8 F4 FC 5A ESC 1103 Motor Runcam Nano 2 Camera 200mW VTX

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customers reviews ( 10 )

4 / 5.0
5 stars 90%
4 stars 10%
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1 stars 0%

By Zerbastian

Beste Einsteigerdrohne die es gibt. Bestes Preis- Leistungsverhältnis. Ich habe noch ein paar Verbesserungen vorgenommen wie zb umrüsten auf Crossfire.
2021-09-27 00:00:00

By DS1980

Eine wirklich super Einsteiger Drohne. Sie ist gut zusammengebaut und sehr gut eingerichtet (Betaflight). Nachdem ich meinen eigenen S-Bus Empfänger angeschlossen hatte konnte die Tinyhawk auch mit meiner Taranis X9D+ 2019 SE im D16 mode Kommunizieren. Die Flugzeiten sind völlig ok. Je nachdem wie der eigen Flug-Stiel ist kann man zwische 3-5 Minuten fliegen. Die RunCam Nano 2 liefert ein gutes Bild an die Brille oder Monitor. Da aber nur einer einfache VTX Antennen verbaut wurde ist die reichweite gering aber völlig ausreichend für diese Größe. Ich musste die Firmware updaten da noch die aller erste Version auf dem Chip war. Ging aber ohne größere Probleme. Und zu guter letzt war ein Akku defekt. Banngood hat aber super reagiert.
2021-07-13 00:00:00

By BG201518391

package arrived in perfect order. I had gotten a bad battery in my kit though. the metal tabs that hold the plastic connector are missing so if you pull on the wires even slightly they pop out of the connector. so I have to buy more 1s batteries so I can fly it. The quad did bind to my controller just fine and it seems to be good to go. just need batteries to fly it
2021-04-28 00:00:00

By masato

2機目の購入です(^-^) 私はメインは5インチを飛ばして 箸休め的に3インチを飛ばしてて 2インチ以下はなかなか楽しくなれず 2.5インチ機を買う必要あるか?と悩みましたが 可愛くてカッコいい!ってだけ(ただの好み)でtinyhawk2freestyleを購入w 自分でビルドした2.5インチ機より飛びは悪いですが この機体 めっちゃ軽いです バッテリー込みで80g少々 ポテンシャルを感じました(初心者素人ですがw) 何もせずそのまま飛ばすと 正直がっかりします 成りはfreestyle機ですが空撮機?ってくらいのゆったり感 100mくらい離れるといきなりのバインド切れとVTXの電波障害 ストックのままならオモチャですw ですがレシーバー追加とbataflightの設定変更とプロップ交換 それとVTXのアンテナ移設もしくは交換で激変し 正直パワー不足は感じますが かなり楽しめる機体になります 1機目はVTXアンテナが太く長いタイプだったので タイラップを右後ろに変更しテール側に斜めに設置しましたが これだけでも激変し良くなりました 2機目は細く短いタイプだったのでlollipop3に変更してしまいました あとはbataflightでRate変更と2540-3プロップの使用で楽しめる機体になります(^-^) 1機目で気に入ってしまい 2機目を購入してしまいましたw 1S2本ってのも気楽でいいし nano2ってのも必要最低限を満たしてるし アンテナ移設or交換すればVTX200mWってのもいいですね(^-^) ただ カスタムには限界があり モーターは1103ですがビス3本タイプなので変更はできません せいぜいtinyhawk2Racerの7500kvのモーターくらい?ですかね? FCはマウント穴が独特なため穴開け加工が出来ない方には変更は不可能です カメラも1機目は加工してRunCam phoenix2nanoを搭載しましたが 無加工ならば変更できる可能性は低いように思います 今 試しにとRunCam nano4を発注してます nano4なら変更できそうですが 性能的には大差ないので必要かは疑問w 短所もありますが 全体的には良くできており お薦めできる機体ではないでしょうか(^-^)
2021-01-15 00:00:00

By Anteaspire

A mala veio um pouco amassada mas resolveu-se rápido. Poderia vir com mais informação para poder-se fazer o Biding com o comando pois comprei um outro Drone da mesma marca que vem com o comando e tive que obter informações de outros para o conseguir. Não aconselho a comprar Drones sem comando normalmente chamados de Drones BNF. É só para quem já tem outros comandos universais,ou um grande conhecimento dos mesmos. A posição das elices é a que está nas fotos. Não vem com manual a mostrar a colocação das mesmas.
2021-01-02 00:00:00

By Bmwraser

Super kleiner Kopter mit guter Power. Die Einstellungen über Betaflight gingen auch leicht ( FPV Kanal, Schalter zuweisen usw. Die Flugzeiten sind auch gut ca. 4-5 Minuten, also noch ein 10er Pack von den URUAV 450mah bestellt und man ordentlich Zeit in der Luft zu bleiben. Die zwei voreingestellten Pid Profile waren für meinen Geschmack jedoch viel zu träge / zu langsam. Habe mir dann bei YOU TUBE andere Pids abgeschaut mit welchen ich dann auch zu frieden war. Lieferung aus dem CZ Lager 5Tage.
2020-11-03 00:00:00

By Tape

Flys great and very silent. Im getting 6-7min cruising time with 2x 520mAh 1s (battery In photo 3). About 3-5min flytime freestyle. Printed battery holder with TPU ( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4541796 )
2020-09-27 00:00:00

By Sasha

Great little quad. F411 board - Nano 2 - TH1103 7000KV - 5A BlHeli_S - 25/100/200mW - SPI RX There are extra props & a little bag of prop bolts & a couple of spare parts (not many) & a USB charging board. Will take latest BetaFlight To bind to integrated rx, use BF CLI command - bind_rx_spi Had to reposition the FPV antenna so it was a little higher, still not high enough to clear the battery. Arm guards & battery holder from Thingiverse & remixed to include antenna holders. Plenty of reviews on YouTube. This is my 3rd Emax Baby/Tiny Hawk quad, they are all fantastic out of the box!
2020-09-25 00:00:00

By Jason

The Tiny Hawk Freestyle 2 is honestly fantastic! Why is this an excellent quad for beginners and experienced alike? Well here are some of the pros and very few cons: Durability - this little quad can take a beating with no problem. The Avon props that come stock are highly durable. I have never broken one prop in spite of shooting a tiny gap and hitting a metal pole or accidentally hitting a tree at full force. The carbon fiber frame is excellent and you won’t have to worry if you are new and slam it into anything. Sound - The highly durable Avon props are also very quiet and won’t cause a lot of noise while you are whipping this quad around your yard. Additionally, the 7000kv motors while remaining quiet, have great punch. Beginner friendly - The factory tuning was surprisingly good. For anyone starting out this is a very gentle entry and you will have fun right away. There is also room for growth! So, once you start making progress you can make some easy adjustments on betaflight and still have a great time. Batteries: The 2 included batteries are easy to charge with the included charger so there’s a lot less stress than with the larger lipos. However, 2 batteries does not mean you can fly on just 1 battery. You will need to run both batteries simultaneously or make a PH 2.0 redundant pin with an old battery connector. Packaging: The little case was really nice. It will fit all the extra props, the 2 batteries (you are going to need to buy a lot more), a charger, spare hardware and if you remove the foam the quad will fit without removing the installed props (see picture). Room for Improvement: This is a massive improvement from THFS1. However, there is yet some room for improvements. Like the THFS1 you will need a beeper. without one finding the THFSII in y’all grass or brush can be a challenge. The diapole antenna is durable but pretty much garbage. So you can replace the vtx or for a little improvement you can solder in a better antenna.
2020-09-10 00:00:00

By mrTeamax

Added: anti slip, buzzer, ufl connector, lollipop 3, adjustable ledbar, solderd the battery connector 90° (higlhly recommended), locked the spi antenna with tie rip and locked the other parts like the battery connector with tiny elastics. (I will add a xm plus soon to take advantage of the 200mW vtx.
2020-08-10 00:00:00