customers reviews ( 10 )

4 / 5.0
5 stars 70%
4 stars 30%
3 stars 0%
2 stars 0%
1 stars 0%

By testvip44

Very cool little drone. Nearly indestructible as I have crashed it many times. I have not even damaged to a propeller blade yet. This is my first drone and I'm loving it. The range is awesome as far as I've flown it I have never gone out of range. I flew it so high I could barely see it but I could still bring it down in a controlled fashion. It is very easy for a first timedrone operator to fly. The app however is a bit weak it definitely needs more work but I hardly ever use the app anyway as it is so much fun to fly with the remote. I now go out on my lunch break and fly it for the half hour from my lunch I usually use only a battery battery and a half to fly it for the whole half hour. I would guess you get at least 10 or 15 minutes out of a single battery fully charged and it takes about 45 minutes to an hour for it to charge backup. I love my first taste of drone flying and it makes me think about getting a bigger more professional drone. At the price I would buy this all day long.
2022-09-02 00:00:00

By BG522254192

問題無く起動。 付属のリモコンには単四電池が三本必要だが、アプリからもドローンを操作できる。 ただ、アプリ(KY FPV)から接続する場合にはAndroid(Pixel4aを使用)からだと接続出来ずiOSのみ起動できた。別のアプリ(FHDFPVなど)からでもAndroidは接続出来なかった。 動画撮影などする際にはiOS端末を所持していないと難しいのでは無いか。 リモコンにスマホを固定できるようになっている棒を差し込んだところ取れなくて焦ったが、根元からリモコンの上向きに力をかけると簡単に取り外せる。 操作が難しく室内で何回かぶつけてしまったが、まだ壊れていない。プロペラ・プロペラガード共に予備が4枚ほど付いていた。 ドローンは初めてなので詳しいことはわからないが、リモコンの入力通り動いているように思える。
2021-07-30 00:00:00

By Lipe

Gostei do mini drone, antes de chegar achei que seria um pouco maior pelas fotos que vi, veio com as três baterias pedidas, veio com a câmera, kit de hélices para repor, funcionando normalmente o drone, o controle e câmera, o aplicativo foi bem simples de usar, depois de baixar o app no celular ligue o drone e ligue o wifi do celular e procure o ele para conectar com a câmera. Primeira compra pelo site, fiquei surpreso com a rapidez que chegou (17 dias no total), não fui taxado e o rastreamento sempre foi atualizado, recomendo o produto para quem deseja adquirir um mini drone.
2021-06-21 00:00:00

By casom

Não tenho tido tempo para experimentar o meu mini Drone. mas uma cousa vos digo é emussionante lidar com o Drone e a aplicação tem; desde comando de voz para qualquer lado que queiras conduzir, posições de telemóvel para de movimentos, e através do próprio comando. 5☆☆☆☆☆ Até o podermos domina-lo aconselho a usar os protetores das hélices.
2021-03-19 00:00:00

By BG141740215

Delivery time was good, and the product is too. The remote feels cheap, but the drone is sturdy, which is what matters. Crashed mine pretty hard a few times, and broke all the prop guards, but the drone still works. overall, I'm very happy with the purchase. I would highly recommend this seller and this drone.
2021-03-09 00:00:00

By vagster

Nice drone for amateur users. The case is so convenient as everything is in place. I easily paired with my phone via it's app. It's hard for amateur users to pilot at first but I believe it will be easier with practise. Because of quarantine haven't tested it outside. The camera is ok, nothing special but it does it's job.
2021-01-20 00:00:00

By BG415013121

o produto chegou em 18 dias aqui na minha cidade em perfeitas condições, produto bem embalado e muito bonito estou muito satisfeito com o vendedor nota 1000 para esses quesitos, ainda vou testar o produto
2020-11-19 00:00:00

By Greez2k5

die kleine Drohne ist schnell startklar und die erste Akkuladung reicht auch für einige Minuten Flugübungen. die benötigte App lässt sich per QR-Code aus der Bedienungsanleitung herunterladen. verbunden wird einfach per WLAN welches die Drohne sendet. die Kamera Qualität ist definitiv kein 4K, aber absolut ausreichend zum Fliegen. Dies sollte man aber nur bei Windstille tun, da die kleine Drohne doch sehr windanfällig ist. Ohne Verbindung fliegt sie Recht gut, mit WLAN Verbindung und Bildübertragung kommt es mir vor als hätte sie teilweise Empfangsprobleme und somit "Input-Lag" welches in einigen Situationen natürlich schlecht enden kann. aber alles in einem kann ich für den Preis definitv 4 Sterne geben. eigentlich sogar 5, doch dafür müsste die Reaktion der Drohne besser sein. Preis Leistung 5 Sterne, Gesamtnote 4 Sterne. die Drohne ist eher für fortgeschrittene geeignet und definitv nicht für Anfänger. achja, die Fernbedienung fühlt sich sehr billig an, was dem ganzen aber nichts abtut. im Hinterkopf behalten das man eine gut fliegende Drohne inklusive Kamera bekommt zu einem Spotpreis - klare Empfehlung.
2020-10-02 00:00:00

By BG383618121

Vuela muy bien, hay que ajustar el control para que no se mueva tanto. Al volar en exteriores hay que asegurarse que no haya mucho viento. La cámara graba decente aunque en definitiva no es 1080. La batería duró 8:27 aproximadamente, recomendable comprar dos o tres baterias. El material se siente suave en la parte superior y bien, aunque algunas partes se sienten algo delicadas cosa que supongo es normal. En general me gustó mucho a excepción del tema de la delicadeza en algunas partes, lo de la cámara ya lo sabía hay algunos vídeos en internet que muestran su uso. Recomendado
2020-08-15 00:00:00


SMALLEST "Mavic Air 2" In the World, unbelievable it has camera and flyi very stable..!!!
2020-06-02 00:00:00