customers reviews ( 10 )

5 / 5.0
5 stars 100%
4 stars 0%
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By S4Spa

Товар поставляется в простом zip-lock пакете. Качество рюкзака порадовало. Молнии ходят плавно, нигде не заедают. Есть одно большое внутренее отделение, в нём 4 мелких кармана для ручек и гаджетов, один крупный - для ноутбука. Ноутбук диагональю 15.6" помещается под завязку. С одной стороны есть USB выход для зарядки устройств, внутри рюкзака usb кабель для подключения к повербанку. С другой стороны - карман под бутылку. Также сбоку есть молния для доступа к большому внутреннему карману. Ещё один карман есть спереди рюкзака. Торчащих ниток нет. Спинка нежесткая. Вся фурнитура пластиковая. Посторонних запахов нет. В целом, очень неплохой рюкзак за эти деньги. Рекомендую.
2021-02-01 00:00:00

By derva01

I was lucky, I'm very happy. The product is made of good material and can be used well. Thank you very much! It has been a part of my days.
2021-01-28 00:00:00

By s_nagy

2021-01-08 00:00:00

By ivanj1993

my first One cent Snatch! super fast delivery! awsome quality! love it!
2020-12-19 00:00:00

By BG181516491

tal como descrito e mostrado nas imagens. material aparenta ter qualidade. o interior é almofadado para acondicionar melhor o portátil. muito satisfeito com a compra.
2020-11-23 00:00:00

By aimarperu

El pedido llegó muy rápido aquí a Perú, muy bien embalado, me lo trajo Urbano Courier, antes pedía en otras páginas de China y demoraban un mes o más, aquí no, les tomo 20 días llegar hasta Chiclayo interior del País, alucinante y el producto de muy buen calidad, muy buen diseño. Gracias Bangood!!!
2020-10-30 00:00:00

By Flla

ótima mochila! estou gostando muito, ela não é muito grande e nem muito pequena. além de ser muito bonita. chegou em 22 dias corridos depois de ser postado, foi um tempo recorde pra mim, porque minhas aulas na faculdade começava nesses mesmos dias aí deu muito certo o tempo.
2020-02-02 00:00:00

By FarkasBalazs

I've been using this backpack for about three months now. I really like the countless storage compartments inside and out. It's easy to organize things in it. Unfortunately, the quality is only average. I have found countless sewing faults, and the material inside the pockets is losing ground. The shoulder strap is almost short to me, though I am bigger than average people. The USB connector is a fun feature, but I'll never use it. The name of the product is misleading, there is no indicator on the backpack that refers to the famous manufacturer.
2019-11-11 00:00:00

By alfratiano

mochila de excelente qualidade e bom preço recomendo
2019-07-23 00:00:00

By Gungushnakka

Great quality and design, my 3rd Xiaomi backpack design and the other 2 I have no issues with after a year of every day use.
2019-06-23 00:00:00