customers reviews ( 10 )

5 / 5.0
5 stars 100%
4 stars 0%
3 stars 0%
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1 stars 0%

By grim

J'ai beaucoup utilisé des imprimantes 3D haut de gamme durant ma vie professionnelle et là, j'ai acheté la EasyThreed-K1 à titre personnel. Je suis très étonné de la facilité de mise en oeuvre et surtout de la qualité de l'impression. Après avoir imprimé l'objet "rocket" donné par le constructeur, j'ai essayé un engrenage que j'avais modélisé avec OpenSCAD et découpé avec Cura 5.0 (sous linux). Le résultat est époustouflant. L'état de surface est remarquable. Pour le prix qu'elle vaut, n'hésitez pas à la commander, vous ne le regretterez pas. Très, très, très, satisfait... En ce qui concerne la livraison, elle est arrivée en moins de deux semaines, un peu avant la date prévue, et dans un emballage parfait.
2022-06-15 00:00:00

By BG143385535

The original firmware didn’t print the small circles very well. After update to a recent Marlin and a bit of calibration the print quality is amazing. Con:Bed surface got unstuck and i had to replace
2022-03-23 00:00:00

By BG395434335

Ótima impressora, porém eu tive problemas. Como podem ver nas fotos eu resolvi trocar a manta magnética original por uma placa dupla face de fibra de vidro cobreada. O buraco formado na manta não foi o problema, mas eu não consegui limpar os restos de PLA no centro. Também tive que desmontar o carregador de filamento para limpar. A mesa de cobre e o uso de cola Prit resolveram os problemas de adesão e nivelamento. Está imprimindo muito bem! Então apesar do problema, aconselho a compra para todos !
2021-11-27 00:00:00

By BG205715181

My first 3D printer and I'm really happy with it. Using it for my diy project enclosures and its more than sufficient.
2021-10-30 00:00:00

By KernelZappa

The printer arrived quite quickly and was incredibly easy to assemble. I did two bed leveling and heat tower prints to calibrate, finding that the supplied PLA printed best at 185c. Very impressed with the output so far especially at this price.
2021-09-13 00:00:00

By ENC_Hulk

Very good quality, package super safe with a lot of foam, sent very fast and came here really quick. Tested with a STL of filament guide (at thingiverse) and sliced with Easyware KS. Only few adjustments and "voi lá" the .gcode was ready to go. Not as like the Cura software as is, the Easyware software shows the sliced already prepared gcode object as a sieve, but the print was successfull and the quality is far good as I've expected. RECOMMENDED!!!
2021-09-04 00:00:00

By aml_rj

Surpreendeu quanto a qualidade de impressão. O que se deve ter atenção é ao peso do Carretel de filamento (comprado separado) ela não consegue tracionar. Desenrolei, e funciona perfeitamente. Surprised about the print quality. What you should pay attention to is the weight of the filament spool (purchased separately) it cannot pull. I unrolled it, and it works perfectly.
2021-07-22 00:00:00

By BG105316571

Shipping via Aramex were very slow on RSA side, but waiting was worth it. Machine works great, software also included. Thanx
2021-07-07 00:00:00

By Farouks

Come quick very well Packaged have not assembled yet thanks Banggood
2021-06-18 00:00:00

By ChilliWillee

Quick shipping. Easy setup. Works quite nicely.
2021-03-11 00:00:00