customers reviews ( 10 )

4 / 5.0
5 stars 90%
4 stars 10%
3 stars 0%
2 stars 0%
1 stars 0%

By rednef

This is my first printer and I couldn't be happier with this machine. Came very well packaged and setting it up was quick and easy. I have almost zero knowledge about 3D printing apart from watching a couple of videos on how to set it up and I got great results right from the first print. I wanted something to print flexible materials and I've printed heaps of TPU parts from thingiverse using the default settings for this printer in CURA. I've also started using tinkercad to modify models and create things I need from scratch and I've been amazed at how easy it is to quickly make very useful items. It's very quiet without the need to do modifications.
2021-07-20 00:00:00

By LP191279

Il prodotto è arrivato ben imballato e sembra non presentare difetti. Il montaggio è abbastanza intuitivo, ma sul libretto non è spiegato eccellentemente poiché ci sono alcune piccole viti che non viene spiegato a cosa servono, come non viene spiegato come montare la bobina del filo. Ho dovuto cercare dei tutorial per esser sicura di aver eseguito correttamente tutti gli assemblaggi. Ancora non l'ho utilizzata perché sono in attesa del filo. Per me è la prima stampante in 3D quindi non sono in grado di paragonarla ad altre. Le tempistiche di consegna sono accettabili; nel mio caso ha impiegato 12 giorni in più perché durante il tragitto, per lavori ferroviari, il pacco è rimasto fermo e di questo sono stata immediatamente avvisata tramite e-mail. Se mi sarà possibile farò nuova recensione appena riuscirò ad utilizzarla.
2021-05-05 00:00:00

By BG576374145

Really good printer. Maximum perfection in details, easy to use and very intuitive. Among its advantages the glass plate that allows objects to be removed with ease. Very quiet. Gentile sellers and always available to answer all questions. The only problem I had to pay 37 euros of customs despite having chosen to receive it from Spain
2021-03-24 00:00:00

By giggi99

I searched for a good printer (my first printer) at a low budget and it is quite impressive how good it works ... the packaging is very good, the printer itself is quite easy to install and use . I used tingiverse file and cura for slicer it have the correct preset for the printer (only printhead settings for sequential printing are incorrect)... I started with the test cube included in the USB pen, it sticked too hard to the hotbed and bad layer adhesion (the pla I got needed higher temperature I found It out later when I printed a temp tower) results braking it also ecause there is no spatula included !!! no test filament included so buy it if you whant to use your new printer
2021-03-10 00:00:00

By gluca78

Grande stampante. La mia prima stampante. Spedito da Spagna e arrivata in Italia in 5 giorni (di cui uno festivo). Arriva preassemblata, e facile da montare. Prima di sceglierla ho visto tanti video e recensioni e devo dire che fino ad ora ho fatto la scelta giusta. Stampa molto bene ed è semplice da usare. Ha i TMC2100 (non sono gli ultimi ma silenziosi e vanno bene) le ventole in generale sono moderatamente silenziose. Il piatto da 220 scalda in pochi secondi e quando si raffredda il pezzo stampato si stacca immediatamente (bisogna fare un po' di pratica con il livellamento manuale e i parametri dello slicer, all'inizio potrebbe sembrare difficile, butterete molto filo se siete principianti come me, ma dopo vari esperimenti e consigli dai social ci si arriva). I miei figli si stanno divertendo a stampare di tutto. Unica cosa che mi ha dato fastidio è che nelle immagini sembra pronta per l'auto bed leveling, in realtà la macchina arriva senza un firmware con questa funzione (bisogna aggiornare da firmware non ufficiale dà quanto ho capito) e bisogna aggiungere un supporto che la casa non fornisce (dovete stamparvelo voi ma non dicono cosa stampare) e quando ho contestato questa cosa al servizio clienti (capisco che non inserire il pezzo per l'ABL ma almeno date il supporto), dopo varie email in cui non riuscivano a comprendere, mi hanno risposto che la macchina non ha mai avuto l'ABL (ho lasciato perdere è come parlare con un muro). Purtroppo dimenticatevi un servizio clienti che sia in grado di risolvere o farvi da tramite con la casa madre, Banggood su questo deve ancora molto migliorare. In conclusione consiglio questo prodotto, valutate solo se potete fare a meno del servizio clienti di Banggood prima di comprare.
2021-01-14 00:00:00

By coronercross

la meilleure imprimante 3d que j'ai jamais eu !! j'ai eu dagoma, ender 3, cr10,.. j'ai longtemps hésité avec sa grande sœur, mais la surface me convient parfaitement. les possibilités de réglages depuis l'écran sont top, les changements de fils sont simplifiés, le réglage plateau est enfantin, le bruit est très faible. j'imprime surtout en PLA : normal, carbone, bois, tout y passe. la qualité est excellente. j'utilise IdeaMaker en slicer pour ses possibilités bien meilleures que Cura. j'ai aussi acheté un heatbreak de meilleure qualité ainsi que des buses spéciales disant qu'aux premiers signes d'usure, je changerai... mais ca tient... n'hésitez surtout pas à commander cette merveille !
2020-11-26 00:00:00

By BG102341141

realice la compra desde Colombia y se demoró en llegar un poco más de dos meses ya que tocó realizar un cambio de tienda, en ese tiempo el servicio de banggood fue excelente, siempre respondieron, la impresora llegó en perfectas condiciones, muy bien empaquetado. falta ver el desempeño de la máquina.
2020-11-17 00:00:00

By BG612171432

Très bonne imprimante, livrée en France en 5 jours environ à partir de CZ. Le produit est bien protégé dans son carton, c'est le même cartons que vous pouvez voir dans les déballages sur youtube. Elle fonctionne parfaitement avec notice en français (+EN, CN, DE, ES, IT et RU) et les accessoires que l'on voit sur la photo (clé usb, outils d'assemblage et de réglage, nappe et galets de rechange, câble usb et un petit circuit imprimé pour ajouter l'auto leveling. Une petite bobine de PLA pour commencer à imprimer aurait été bienvenue.
2020-11-11 00:00:00

By bobbryce

I purchased the Artillery GENIUS in May 2020 and it has exceeded my expectations. There are many competitor 3D Printers that are more expensive than this one but to be honest I am delighted with this product and would highly recommend this to others (I have no connection with, or sponsorship from, Banggood - but I do like to buy from them). The things I liked about the GENIUS were:- 1) Construction was extremely simple - four bolts plus making a number of connectors. 2) The build is robust and the quality is impressive. Having read earlier reviews, I was expecting problems with the ribbon cables popping out of their sockets (but this had already been addressed with a glue solution and was not an issue) and I was expecting problems with breakages in the filament feed lever (but this has apparently been addressed as there have been no issues - I did purchase a metal replacement in advance but this is now just a spare). 3) The 3D Printer was already calibrated / tuned and needed only a small amount of adjustment to get the bed levelled. 4) In operation, the printer is incredibly quiet and produces PLA prints of very high detail and resolution. The layer deposition is even and fully fused, leaving a very smooth surface layer.
2020-06-12 00:00:00

By donaldsneffe

Awsome! I love it! I am a totally noob in 3d printing, the Genius is my very first 3d printer and I do not have any experience in 3d printing. I bought it because it was said to be very silent, what is extremely important for me. And: This printer is silent, silent, silent - you wont believe! My aquarium makes more noise. You could even place it in your bedroom, every ventillator or air condition makes far more noise. It came packed extremely well and secure. Assembling is a thing of minutes, only 5 screws and 5 plugs... I recommend to watch the video of Just Vlad on Youtube - extremely well explained, extremely helpful. Received the printer yesterday eveneing, set it up, made my first two prints without problems (and settings). However, a Cura template for the Artillery Genius would be very helpful, actually there seems not template available. Highly recommended as very first printer - and highly recommended for people living in an appartment where printing noise could be a problem. Extremely satisfied with this purchase.
2020-03-14 00:00:00